Which Healthy Deodorant Is Better?

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When I first started looking for aluminum-free options, I had just one question “which healthy deodorant is the best”? After checking lots of blogs and websites, I was still unable to find the answer, so I set on a quest to discover it on my own using trial and error method. In this post I am comparing healthy deodorants that I personally tested, complete with pros and cons of each.

Why should I care about healthy deodorants? Lately there’s been is a lot of buzz in the media blaming antiperspirants for contributing to Alzheimer’s, kidney disease, and even breast cancer. While neither side can show the results of extensive studies that prove or disprove the theory, it brought awareness to consumers everywhere. Also, some people are plain allergic to aluminum, so healthy deodorants are really the only option.

While aluminum-containing antiperspirants will keep you dry and odor-free for a long time [some formulas promise to last up to a week], natural deodorants act more like bacteria-fighting body spray. They won’t block your skin’s natural function and still allow you to sweat it out, but a good deodorant will make sure your sweat is odorless by neutralizing bacteria that contribute to bad BO. I won’t lie, I still use antiperspirants on very rare occasions, but they are so few and far between, that I only have a travel-sized stick of Secret that’s pretty much still full, and it’s like 2 years old now.

Alright, that was a pretty long-winded prelude, let’s get down to business. In no particular order, I rounded up seven deodorants that personally tried and tested over the past 3 years. Read on to find out what I liked and disliked, and which one is currently my favorite.
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