New Memebox Arrivals: Global #17, Earth & Sea Cosmetics

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Memebox is releasing new boxes like it’s going out of style [it isn’t!], and today we have two new ones – Memebox Global #17 and Memebox Special #31 Earth & Sea Cosmetics.

1. Memebox Global #17:

Personally, I think that Global boxes have always offered the best value for the money and variety of samples, and that’s one type of Memeboxes that I know I will keep buying no matter what. Numbered boxes always sell out fast, so act quickly if you want to reserve one.

“Our Memebox Global Editions have never failed your expectations and we can guarantee your utmost satisfaction in receiving this 17th Edition, also packed with beauty goodies totally worth the wait!”

2. Memebox Special #31 Earth & Sea Cosmetics:

This box actually sounds pretty nice, because I always found ingredients like mud, volcanic ash and marine botanicals to be exceptionally effective at addressing some of my skin’s pressing concerns. Volcanic ash is great for exfoliating the surface of the skin, mud is perfect for drawing impurities from the pores, and seaweed extract is one of the best antioxidants and moisturizers [think La Mer] for any skin type. I think this box will be a winner!

“Charcoal, volcanic ash and mud all work together to draw out dirt and excess oil to extract stubborn impurities from deep within pores! Mineral rich marine energy works as the step 2 treatment for refining pores and replenishing moisture to the skin.”

Also available special prices for select boxes, the list is huge so I’m not going to paste it all here, but you can check it out by clicking this linkBy purchasing boxes through this link you will be able to get 2 or 3 Memepoints per each box purchased (1 point = $1) to use towards future Memebox purchases. Points stack with coupon codes, so make sure to utilize those to maximize your savings!

Take $5 off any order using the code NI3XI9. Valid through July 30th 2014.
Take $5 off your purchase of 3 boxes or more using code MEMEBUNDLE3.
For information about the shipping dates check out Memebox shipping schedule.


Copyright: The content in this post is protected by copyright. Images credit: MEMEBOX; arranged by Glamorable! To view our copyright policy, please refer to Disclosures & Content Use page.
